What I Do
By combining psychology and spirituality, I help people navigate the process of nonduality—popularly known as spiritual awakening or enlightenment.
I will walk with you, like I have with many others, to return to that authentic place of peace at the center of your being. I will help you release the many layers of self-betrayal, shame, doubt, and anxiety that we inflict upon ourselves in order to survive our childhood and win acceptance from the world. When we release these burdens, it feels like armor falling from our shoulders or sludge leaving our body. Our spirit feels lighter and cleaner, our heart flows open and our mind becomes free.
I’ve walked this path myself and I will hold the space with a steady hand as you come to the center of your own authentic truth. When you arrive, you will feel it in your cells. Your eyes will be steady, your voice confident, your heart at peace. Your feet will stand firmly at the center of your world. You will feel like your true self.
How I work
The process of liberation can be wonderful, but it can be destabilizing if the ego structure is not ready for it. To help you cultivate psychological stability both before and after awakening, I use different methods of inner work inspired by Internal Family Systems (IFS), solution-focused therapy, Jungian shadow work, and psychodrama.
My spiritual influences include sacred teachings from around the world, including Buddhism, Kabbalah, Christian mysticism, Sufism, shamanism, and naturalism (atheism). I am indebted to several nondual teachers who helped me stabilize my own awakening. In particular, I owe gratitude to the direct teachings of Saeed Khan and Chuck Ceraso, as well as the writings and talks of Adyashanti, Alan Watts, and Jack Kornfield.
You can learn more about my approach by clicking here:
What I believe
I believe spirituality is a natural part of human psychology and represents the deepest parts of what it means to be human. When we combine the mental clarity and rigor of psychological work with the love and sacred depth of spiritual investigation, our life becomes more balanced and profound.
As mind-altering practices become more and more common, a greater number of people are waking up to nonduality or are interested in awakening. However, there is little coherent guidance as to what awakening really is or what happens after awakening. I believe the more people live from a place of nonduality, the more loving, wise, and peaceful our world will be.
Historically, sacred traditions are the ways human beings have confronted the fundamental mystery of existence. As the world becomes more connected, I believe we need new ways to integrate the wisdom of the world’s sacred traditions so that we can wield our modern power with clear eyes and live meaningful lives both in the 21st century and beyond.
Professional History
For the past three years I have worked as a life coach and spiritual guide. After an awakening experience in the summer of 2022, I felt called to make nonduality and spiritual awakening the focus of my work. Alongside my spiritual guidance and coaching work, I am a therapist in training at Loyola University in New Orleans where I am working toward my masters in clinical counseling.
Since 2021 I have practiced shadow work and psychodrama as part of the Mankind Project, a men’s organization informed by Jungian psychology. In 2020 I completed the Glean Spiritual Entrepreneurship Fellowship in partnership with Colombia Business School and in 2019 was a fellow at the Sacred Design Lab.
While completing my bachelors at Yale University, I studied existentialism, sociology, and comparative theology.
My Journey​
In the summer of 2022, in preparation for a four day fast in the high sierra desert, I had a profound experience of nonduality. This experience lasted for two weeks and fundamentally shifted my conception of myself and my relationship with the world.
This awakening came as the culmination of two years of intensive inner work. With the help of my coaches, medicine community, and men’s group, I confronted core wounds from childhood, my relationship with my parents, and the generational traumas of the holocaust. With every step on this path, I came to love and accept myself, and the world, more and more.
My journey was also supported by the psychonauts, shamans, priestesses, jesters, and magicians I discovered in New Orleans and who embraced me as one of their own. Lastly, I am deeply indebted to the love of my partner who was the flint of my awakening and who has been a constant teacher ever since.
When I’m Not Working
I live in New Orleans with my partner and our two cats, Muffin Man and Biscuit Boy. We are foodies, aspiring gym rats, and lovers of the X-files.
Playing 8-ball at the local dive bars is one of my favorite forms of meditation. And while I love traveling to new places, one of my favorite things about leaving New Orleans is coming back to New Orleans.
At night, I like to walk alone in quiet places and listen to the stars.
Books That Have Influenced Me
The End of Your World — Adyashanti
Journey of the Heart — John Welwood
The Bhagavad Gita
The Varieties of Religious Experience — William James
The Kabbalah and its Symbolism — Gershom Scholem
The Gay Science — Friedrich Nietzsche
Existentialism as a Humanism — Jean Paul Sartre
One Hundred Years of Solitude — Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Working With Me
For those interested in working with me, I offer 25 minute consultations free of charge. These meetings are a chance for us to get to know one another. It will be a chance for you to tell me your intentions for this work and what you hope to accomplish by working with me. I'll ask a few basic questions to see if we'll be a good fit, and if so, we'll discuss what it could look like to work together.
Before booking, please read through My Approach so you're familiar with how I work.

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